Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014.
I am fortunate... Sometimes issues arise with the building that only true experts can solve.  With the roof, I can not nor should I try to 'wing it' or I can 'learn on the fly'.  Nope, the roof is practically sacred.  Oddly the foundation of the health of the building relies not in the basement, rather it sits upon the roof repair.  There can be no compromise.  As I told someone today, I can do it once as close to perfection with the best people I can find.  Once.  No corners cut because I will not bargain with the good vibe of the building.  That roof has to be done once.  If I always have to look over my shoulder, wondering 'did I do the best I could', then, without a doubt, I will be faced with doing a roof twice.  That scenario I will not set up for myself. 
I can 'wing it' when it comes to glazing windows.  A roof?  A roof covering 21,000 square feet of wondrous brick spaciousness?  Nope.  And gladly too.
Since I will use the building commercially, I need a structural engineer to determine which joists or rafters or wood trusses need replacement.  At first I was scared, until a succession of three or four phone calls and a boatload of help and advice, led me to....a structural engineer who will do just that.  On Monday.  This Monday.
I could not believe it.  The materials and the people are set for Monday to begin work.  I just stared off into space for a few minutes when all the appointments and arrangements were made.  My mind whirled.  "Do you know how close you came to a shut down of the project?" (I am learning to indulge myself of 'what if' scenarios briefly.  Then, a person has to wipe it off the hands.  It is a balance between thanking God for good fortune (hence the 'what ifs') and being able to turn away from the near mishaps.  A person has to keep rolling.
The snow caused no damage other than melting throughout the day onto the upper level floor.  Oh!  Today was also the first time I needed to salt the sidewalk.  I may put the brakes on the dream of watching the snowstorms from inside the building.  Snow this early in the season would slow down if not halt the roof repair.  Fantasies of snow shoveling.... on hold!

**I do find myself daydreaming about two things:  1) Vapor barriers.  I wonder about ventilation and vapor barriers with the roof;  and 2) HVAC.  What will it be like, to hear a boiler start-up or air circulation fans?  I was standing outside at the time, but a sound startled me as I thought 'oh the boilers... you have none...'. It was one of those moments that surely will become one of a future brush of déjà vu.  A person just knows it.  I could hear it... Like a breath of life...

But, one small beautiful dream did come true.  My first trick o'treaters.  Matthias' first Halloween.  Hallow's Eve.  All Soul's.  Reformation.

Thank you.  Thank you. Happiness, Love and Blessings.


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