Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014.
Quite a day, today.  Indeed.  I picked up two new 11 1/4 " by 22" panes of double thick window glass.  I can hardly wait to finish them!  Remember those days and weeks of waiting and wondering and hoping and worrying?  Well, it seems all work is coming together.  I cannot.... well, I just have to pinch myself!  On top of the roof materials arriving, the roofers coming Monday, the construction company working any day now and the mason coming on Friday.... Well, my glass for the doors has arrived, with the installation due tomorrow or today, depending upon your time reference. 
I think he seemed a bit shocked when I said I will leave them unobstructed (no curtains) so that passersby can look inside.  I want (and ok, I will say it.... the building wants!) him to be seen!  He is so handsome and incredible and built and one and one-half foot thick solid brick walls!
Did I mention ever how awestruck I am that this building, the Matthias Building, has stood unused for fifty years? Stood.  Took the weather.  Stood.
Stood.  Stood.... Stands....
He stands...


Thank you!  Love and Blessings


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