Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014
He smells differently.  The air was different - it was the first thing I noticed walking in the door.  Actually that is not true.  The first noticeable change today by Matthias was the enormous blue lift parked in the alley.  It's huge!  I had envisioned something quite a bit smaller until I got to thinking:  Not only does a person need to lift themselves, but also tools and cement.  (I laugh).  No.  Although I had dreams of renting a lift to seal the second floor windows, I won't do it.  Oh man, though, I really really would love to give it a try.  The lift looks big enough to be stable enough to counterbalance the weight of my.... inexperience.
No.  Tempting.  But no.  I am challenged enough by the realization I need a taller ladder in order to work on the main level windows.  And, with the reminder of the coming season provided by the current white sleet mixture which is currently falling here, I think I have enough on my docket.
Enough of my dreams of carpentry grandeur!  The smell!  I was talking about the smell!
Opening the door and walking in ~ it hit me.  This fresh wood smell. Yum!  It fit too, you know?  There are some odors which should never belong with other sensory experiences.  For example.... Fish.  Fish and lemon?  Yes.  Fish and.... oh, I don't know.... Fish and sewer smell? No.
I digress.
The wood sheeting for the roof had arrived and was stacked against the wall.  What a great smell - fresh and earthy.  But there was something more.  The air felt different.  I thought to myself that maybe it is the building being opened during the day. 
I went upstairs.  Actually I laid down on a pile of rubble, wondering is the upstairs a 'living' sort of place?  I mean, just because I may put in apartments does not necessarily mean it could be homey.  I can label the spaces upstairs anyway I want to, but does the building or could it ever feel cozy and warm and snuggle and 'forget the world' type of place?
The answer? Yep.  Even on top of a pile of rubble.  Just give me a blankie and a pillow.  The space upstairs felt nice.  And when it comes to 'home', nice is perfect.
Before you start thinking or actually questioning my reasoning, let me add:  It is because I do some goofy things that I notice other things. For example, while pondering the upstairs spaces I was admiring the rafters, but I noticed the light from the sky in places previously unlit.
Time to investigate.
In the northwest corner of the building the roofers have begun to peel away the layers of the old roof sheeting.  The heavy upstairs air could now escape - through the roof!  Even those rafters and the beams surrounding them in the next two rooms - they looked drier.  It smelled.... fresh.
Of course life being what it is, I now see full-fledged snow outside.  I will rest on those worries.  Tomorrow.

Oh - it is a glorious feeling - to be able to look someone in the eye - squarely - saying "Follow your heart.  Your brain will figure it out.  Follow your heart.". I thank God for this path every day.

Oh - lesson from building today?  I guess I need to smile more.  I don't need to be a grouch, yes?

Happy Halloween. Thank you.

Love and Blessings

Even looking at the photo...I still have urges to operate it... "no, steph,, steph, no...."

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