Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014.
I would call it the perfect Saturday! I know I have called the building the "perfect Sunday building" and I think some-other-day-of-the-week type of building, never really having experienced a Saturday morning and afternoon there.  Not that it is all that important, I know.  It is not unique - every place has their own character and vibe, depending upon the day of the week.  And there are some vibes that seem to permeate the calendar altogether.
I think the building is one of those 'permeators'. 
I finished the first round of scraping the wood-framed windows.  The same panic occurred as I stepped back to look at the now exposed sills and faces.  I have made it look so rough.  On one hand I am happy to be this far.  On the other hand my heart drops a bit, seeing it so disheveled. 

My poor, dear building!  Looking rough.  Decisions:  Repair windows?  Just get them "weather tight" and nice looking?  Some combination of both goals? I am under deadline to weather seal by January 1. I am not sure at what point I will return them (the wood framed windows on Main and Genesee Streets' side) to the original look of big panes on the bottom and small squares decorating the top (of the main level windows).  Windows generally are, in themselves, at least to me, a primer in the lesson "How DO you eat an elephant?"

While scraping early morning, a buddy crawled around, weaving inside as I scraped outside.  I started snapping photos  ~ he seemed to turn to give me his 'best side'!  I remember how happy I was, when I discovered bugs and toads around the building...they were like my parakeets!  (While I enjoy all of nature and wildlife, I must admit I was very glad all summer that the occasional bat was just that....occasional!)
My true goal of the day was getting there early to finish scraping / first round.  Then, I thought I should see if I could start ordering replacement panes of glass.  Success at ordering;  surprise at the completion of the first four panes less than two hours later!!  While driving around town, of course I had to stop at the farmers market...I succumbed to the call of fall decorating items...  I know, I know. Pumpkins.  Corn stalks.  The building just needed some 'holidaying up!'

OK, I have to say it....Look at those gorgeous, handsome bricks!!! (Personally, I think I need practice on my display techniques, but....I have ideas for more!!!!!)

*(Side note:  While writing here, I take a few minutes to watch 'Open House NYC' on one of the digital/cable/satellite channels...Inspiration!! Lots of brick!  Plus, am I the only one who is intrigued with 'curtain wall'?)

Visitors today! (I need to have ready a guest book - seriously!)  A friend and his sister!  She could feel the vibe of the building, see possibilities.... yep. yep.)  People stop to offer advice and help.  How grand!!  It is a ....happy building.

(I really need to take notes during the day! There is so much to share!)

At the end of my workday, I sat, eating popcorn in the doorway, when I noticed a few details - which lead to my own wondering... More questions.  

How difficult will it be to restore those steel framed windows? And, how perfect are lines, the edges, where things meet? I like that.  There is something so beautiful about wood meeting concrete edged by steel guarded by brick.  Even when the wood is grayed, the wood is weathered imperfectly,, the concrete shows hairline cosmetic cracks, the metal has surface corrosion and the cement was painted...

I look at it in wonder.  I pray I work with results which honor the building.  Strange isn't it?  I was just goofing around, eating popcorn and drinking tea, sitting in the doorway in the sun....

It has to be one of my favorite photos...

Other visitors:  Pigeons (I should curse them, but they make me happy!)  And, one lone eagle who seemed to drift in from the river, over the parking lot across from the building, then glide back....

Did I mention that one lady stopped to tell me she thinks that perhaps parachutes were made here during World War II?  She was not sure.  I need a return visit to the historical society!

That, my friends, was my day at the building.  Full of traffic and people sounds and busy-ness and sunshine.

Randomness.  But, beauty... 

I thought there was a the glass, the rope.  But sometimes - at least that is what I am finding - I should just look, soak it in, be delighted and light of heart.  I just like looking at the picture!!! Enjoy!

Hodge-podge writing!  But not hodge-podge working.  (well, maybe a little!)


Thank you!  And, Blessings..



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