Tuesday, September 9, 2014

419 West Main Street ~ Merrill

grumpy and worried. it's night and we are due to get rain. lots. loads. tons.  

The roof... It is so close to the time to get the roof repaired and resurfaced.  And there is nothing a person can do, except pray, hope, try to remain positive and reason that whatever will be, will be.  I will figure it out then.  Although I must admit during the downpour a few minutes ago I started inventing in my head.  Could I have created a huge funnel or ramp from sheet metal to direct the water off the roof? (And, similar such inventions have crossed my mind!)

Realistically speaking and according to the roofer, it actually has been an effective roof.  There are roof drains and spigots directing the rainfall.  And it does have pitch - it is not flat.  Check on the positive side of the situation.  Every rainstorm is worrisome...

Ok, thinking positive about the roof reminds me of climbing up there on July 4th with the roofer to check the condition and to see if he wished to do the job. (He had agreed to do it!).  July 4 holiday there we are atop this roof!  (It was excellent!)  Summer breeze and morning summer sunshine.  It was one of the few days of our summer which the morning promised a day of heat.

Getting to the roof was actually like climbing up to a treefort.  A metal ladder mounted to the bricks leads from the second floor to the rafters.  From the rafters there is a crawl space defined by a twenty foot long wood planked path to a short wooden ladder to the trap door on the roof.  It's an adventure in itself.

But once you are up there - the view!  Ok, I am less grumpy than when I began writing.  Thanks!  And so it goes....

The aforementioned ladder....

Coming up onto the roof...
Looking north, the roof peeled back as a result of the fire in the adjoining building years ago.

More of my learning...that's a roof drain...required - by building code.

Looking north west, the other area of damage.

On the roof, looking toward the Genessee Street side, behind the brick facing.  Too cool!
I'm actually sitting by the chimney, leaning on the ledge, taking this photo...  It would be a perfect spot at night to sneak up to and watch stars!  (Perhaps a little deck is in order?!  It is good to dream....then reality snaps back - roof, Steph...fix the damage that is looking at you eighty feet away!)
Earlier grumpiness was compounded by limited progress on the windows this evening due to the storm.  That fact and the reality that I was atop a metal ladder as the thunderstorm approached.  Not my brainiest moment!  But, I keep thinking "how am I eating this elephant?  one bite at a time."  Every bit of progress gets me and the building closer to preparedness for winter.

And really, despite my carrying on and whining....what a beautiful bunch of problems to have!  I just keep picturing him....like in my dream.... spruced up and proud as he should be.

He was built as an armory for goodness sake!   Please?! Just one more photo!
Uh!!!!!! Looking up at the alley side, second story windows....Imagining... (Plus, I always admire the masonry - just LOOK AT THOSE BRICKS - NO BUCKLING - STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT....)
*sigh, Love*

I believe I have most likely carried on far too much!  Oh - another great thing today - another friend touring through the building... afterwards - many ideas of the possibilities!  It is a strange sort of magic, this building!  (Just makes a person....giggle...)

Thank you... And, Blessings.

~ stephanie

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