Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014
Monday was a Monday.... typically one of my favorite days of the week....(I am serious!)  But this one, this day, was... difficult. Personally. 

And the only reason I even bring up my personal life is "hope".  And "faith". And a dream.  At the end of the day, as I finished working briefly on the building, I looked through the alley windows as I had practically every night. 

That is when I saw it.  I saw what it should be.  I guess I saw it a long time ago, but did not wish to believe it or thought it wiser to debate internally and endlessly for some reason...

Nope.  I got it.  Do I want it?  Do I think it is right?  Yep and yep.  Is it possible? Yes. Will it be easy? Ppft.  Nope.  But, it could be the best...  I think it could be dreamy and lovely and enjoyable and "share-worthy"!!!

Sorry. I digress. Slightly... I just want to extend out there in the world that hope and faith are possible in the midst of ..... well, the building and I.... we are sort of 'kin', if you know what I mean. 

We are in this..... together.

My view through the alley windows, through the expanse of the main level.... to the Main Street side.  This is when I saw it...what the building, at least the main floor, should be.... ok, I will say it "What the building wants to be.."

Since I am all about the windows of late, here are a few more photos of "window - wood".

Why is this beautiful? I don't know. It just is.

The paper backing to the address numbers over the Main Street doors..left on the window sills inside...

Scraping and sanding inside... Handsome, yes?

Cleaning the first window outside tonight... again, noticed.... So, I include a photo of it here... I hope LW and SC, whoever they are, are living in love! (Plus, I have to sand it off... wanted to preserve..)


Monday....I have to admit, turns out, is really still one of my favorite days of the week...

Thank you.  Hope and Faith.  And Love.

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