Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, November 4.
I am still not ready to write about the "lessons of Monday".  Usually before I write, I begin in my head - all day long.  By the time I sit down, my head is ready to explode to get the words and ideas out.  But not this time.  Circles.  My mind is circling without logic or even the dreamiest, loftiest plans and schemes.  I seem unable to paint those sentences.
The lessons were good ones too. Rats.
Perhaps the best lessons are like that, yes?  Because only when faced with tough decisions do I really think about... no, scratch that - I always think.... no it was more a day of "walking the walk" along with "talking the talk".
Matthias and I?  Yep.  The building and I, we are still a team.  And we did make it.  We made it to the roof repair.  And then.....
I had to stop it.
In order to repair the roof, I needed to stop it.  Late winter or early spring the actual work will begin, but in the meantime, in order to repair it correctly - safely and beautifully and preserving the incredible vibe of the building itself - it has to wait.
Matthias and I need to stand.
It was the hardest decision in this whole process - everyone was there, ready.  The engineer:  Present.  We could all force the work to cram it in, hoping for the best of weather, and praying all the way.
Or we could wait.
I wanted it so badly.  The dream - the dream was right there.  The moment of turning the corner....
The hardest decision turned out to be the best decision.  But to not listen to the best roofer, the best contractors and a jewel of an engineer?
Make them rush, perhaps endangering them?

But, it is a part of the story.  In the meantime, the masons arrived to begin the repairs on the chimney.  At the end of Tuesday the loose bricks are fitted back properly.  The chimney has been tuckpointed.  And they marveled at the beauty, the incredible condition of the original masonry work of the building itself.  "Look, no hairline cracks from any of the corners.". "Look, no buckling on the sides." "Look how straight these wall are."  I could not help but giggle a bit.  They could not help but grin.  Confirmation.  Matthias is a jewel.

As the engineer, the contractors, the roofer and I walked through the building, and once I had made the decision to wait, we all walked through the building.  Again, confirmation.  "The massive steel trusses.". "How thick is this floor?" "Are these walls solid brick?". Matthias definitely is handsome.
(Even from an engineering point of view, which turns out, might be the most practical view at this point!)

And that was just a piece of the day... Lessons.  How does one listen to those lessons, learn from them, and yet, continue with the dream?  How does one change that dream?  How does the dream change, knowing that everything in you and outside of you says to keep going, but the path is changed?

You just do.

Thank you!

Love and Blessings

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