Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014.
Snow.  Lots and lots of snow.  The building is handsome, especially so with his brick against the white. (I am loving the dream of how to decorate for the holidays...)
However, I am not there yet.  First, since he was an armory, I must say "Happy Veterans Day"!  A horrible coincidence that the celebrations of veterans today occurred on the day of the heaviest, stormiest November days.  Wisconsin.  A person could curse, but it is so doggone beautiful!  Winter in Wisconsin is a confirmation of God's blessings... and, the reminder to be humble and have a sense of humor.
And then.... you own a building...  Now, I always wondered at the budgets of municipalities.  Seriously.  All these years I found it peculiar, the dollars allocated to salt!  Until now.  It is a beautiful problem to have - how can I complain?  I cannot.  I own a building.  The building!  But along the way, there are those lofty dreams of what he is destined to become, the lessons of life I can draw metaphorically from those thousands and thousands of bricks representing a history of pride, attempts at resuscitation, and also, of neglect, and then, there are some pretty "in-your-face" type learning experiences.  I can go through twenty pounds of salt like nothing!
Those types of problems I like.

Another dose of the practical concerns:  The roof held!  I do not even know what to write or think as I wonder "What happens when it melts?" or "What happens with more snow?". A mind can imagine at least ten different scenarios.  The shoring wall will set my mind at ease.  Engineers are designing it for the sole purpose of distributing the weight.  Nothing fancy - just a "splint".
It still is lovely inside.  Toasty, blocking the wind.  I love walking around inside, dreaming of what he is destined to become.  The basement is wonderfully dry - Look!!
Dry, sturdy, strong.  Basement.  What to do with it?
Happy Veterans Day.  Happy Snow Day.  Happy...
Thank you.
Blessings and Love


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